EventCard & EventBand

The EventCard is the official, cashless currency at Doheny Days Music Festival. Your EventCard serves as admission into the festival (re-entry permitted) and is also used to purchase food and beverage inside the festival. Festival goers will receive their EventBand(s) in advance. When you arrive at the festival, there's no waiting in exchange lines. Just enter through the festival gates and enjoy a weekend full of great music! EventCards will be shipped in late August, early September.


LOAD any amount up to $100 on to your EventCard. Cash and credit cards accepted.

RE-LOAD additional value on your EventCard at any time.

REFUND any unspent money; just stop by any location when leaving.


Pre-Load Value
When purchasing your passes to the festival, you will have the option to pre-load value onto your EventCard. You can load up to $100 in value onto your EventCard at the time of purchase.

Using your EventBand
All food and beverage booths inside the festival use the EventCard as the primary form of payment. You may also use your EventCard to purchase merch at our official merch booth. All other vendors in our vendor village accept cash or credit (where applicable), not the EventCards.

Loading Value
The EventCand can be loaded with a sum of your choice up to $100 per EventCard. You may use cash or credit cards to load value onto your EventCards.

Re-Loading Value
You may reload your EventCard as many times as you wish during the festival. You may reload with either cash or credit card at any of the EventCard Booths.

Festival guests may refund any unused value on their EventCard during the festival.

How long is the EventCard valid?
The EventCard can only be used for payment throughout the duration of the event. EventCards and any value on them, do not roll-over.

EventCard Policies
1. Treat your EventBand/EventCards as cash. Lost, damanged or stolen EventBands/EventCards will not be replaced.
2. Use of EventBands/EventCards are limited to the current music festival. The EventBands/EventCards expire at its conclusion.
3. The value on your EventCard must be refunded during the hours of the current festival.
4. Entry and re-entry into Doheny Days is permitted with your EventBand securely affixed to your wrist.
5. You will use your EventCard to purchase food & beverage inside the festival. Load value onto your EventCard @ one of the EventCard booths during the festival.
6. If you purchased a 2-Day Pass of any kind (GA, VIP or Lounge) you will be issued a 2-Day EventBand. The wristband will be issued the first day and must be worn for the duration of the festival. This wristband is non-transferable (you cannot give it to someone else), non-exchangeable and cannot be removed.
7. Stretched, ripped or tampered with EventBands will be confiscated by security.